Meringhe alla mandorla

Meringhe alla mandorla

Cascina San Giovanni
Item number: CSG8947

Meringue is a sweet preparation made from fresh beaten egg whites and caster sugar. It is a popular dessert throughout Italy, although it is linked to Piedmontese traditions. We add two different qualities of nuts to the dough: hazelnuts IGP from Piedmont or almonds. These make the dessert light and crunchy.

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Order article

Orders placed by the 5th of a month will be delivered by the end of the same month.

Meringues with almonds
Ingredients: Sugar, almonds, egg white, chocolate.

Product information
Shelf life from production:
Gluten free Vegetarian
Order quantities
Minimum order quantity: 35
units per carton: 35
Number of layers per pallet:
Number of cartons per pallet:
Number of pieces per pallet:
Number of cartons per layer:
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