Miele fior di Montagna

Miele fior di Montagna

Cascina San Giovanni
Item number: CSG8183

We move the bee colonies to the best places depending on the blossom, so that we can guarantee top-quality honey. All carefully produced honeys except acacia blossom honey crystallise, which is a sign of their naturalness. Do not heat above 40° in order to preserve the valuable nutrients.

This dark honey is the sum of all the spontaneous flowers that colour the mountain meadows in Piedmont in summer.

Orders are only possible for registered dealers.

Private customers are best advised to take a look at our special online shop for private customers:

Order article

Orders placed by the 5th of a month will be delivered by the end of the same month.

Mountain blossom honey

Product information
Shelf life from production:
Gluten free Vegetarian
Order quantities
Minimum order quantity: 12
units per carton: 12
Number of layers per pallet:
Number of cartons per pallet:
Number of pieces per pallet:
Number of cartons per layer:
Number of pieces per layer: