Pesto di noci
Cascina San Giovanni
Artikelnummer: CSG6509
Category: Tomato sauces & pesto
We think these pestos (or properly pesti) are a wonderful invention. After all, where else can you find such a concentrated load of Mediterranean flavours? Our pestos are best served cold and mixed directly into spaghetti, fettuccine or gnocchi with a little extra virgin olive oil.
Aus gemahlenen Walnüssen und feinsten Zutaten aus dem Piemont entsteht diese cremige, geschmackvolle Pesto.
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Orders placed by the 5th of a month will be delivered by the end of the same month.
Pesto aus Walnüssen
Zutaten: Olivenöl, Walnüsse, Cashewkerne, Pinienkerne, Salz, Knoblauch, Majoran, Hartkäse.